The Carbon Method - A kit for designers to reach net-zero

The Carbon Method
A full end-to-end design framework for designers to use on everyday products and services.
Company Size
25 - 100
London, United Kingdom
Project Duration
6 months
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A full end-to-end design framework for designers to use on everyday products and services. The Carbon Method combines user and planetary pain points so designers can remove them from products and services.

The Carbon Method™ is a transformative initiative aimed at empowering designers to achieve net-zero impact through an innovative end-to-end design framework. By combining user-centric and sustainable design principles, the Carbon Method addresses both user and planetary pain points, facilitating the removal of environmental burdens from everyday products and services. Through accessible libraries of carbon data and supplementary methodologies, designers are equipped with the tools to measure and mitigate the carbon footprint of their creations, ushering in a new era of sustainable design practices.

At its core, the Carbon Method seeks to bridge the gap between user-centered design and environmental stewardship by putting actionable data directly into the hands of designers. This third-generation design method not only supplements existing design practices but also fosters a deeper understanding of the intersection between sustainability and business. Through comprehensive training and certification programs, designers gain the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainable narratives into their organizations, paving the way for a more environmentally conscious approach to product and service development.

With the Carbon Kit, designers gain access to essential resources including Carbon Cards, Method Blueprints, and OKR templates, enabling them to facilitate workshops, conduct research, and drive impactful design activities

Hear it straight from Bros & Co

"As CEOs of The Carbon Method, we wholeheartedly commend sunstatesoft, and their team of highly skilled engineers. Sunstatesoft played a pivotal role in developing our responsive website, backend systems, and database infrastructure, significantly advancing our mission to empower designers worldwide with sustainable design practices. Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in bringing our vision to fruition."

CEO of Bros & Co